Amazon AWS to end EC2-classic

The original AWS web service providing secure web scalable, resizable compute capacity in the cloud, EC2 (Elastic Compute CLoud), is about to end its service concerning the “classic” architecture started in 2006. 

Even though Amazon stated an end in august 2022 and a partial deactivation on October 30th of this year, the service was already left behind/hidden as a special request was needed to subscribe to it since 2013. 

Already available since 2009, the end of the “classic” service will make way to EC2-VPC (Virtual Private Clouds) which allows to :

  • Allocates several private IP to a VM
  • Allocate a static IP
  • IP Elastic
  • Use of IPv6 address
  • Modification of security groups after a VM has been started

This end of service will have some effects and impacts on customers.
If you’ve opened an AWS account before March 2013, you will have a period of transition and would have to migrate to EC2-VPC by the end date.

AWS has provided a guide and tools to help you to migrate in case you have ressources on EC2-classic.Guide :
Application Migration Service :
Script to find Classc ressources:

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